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As many people know, a few years ago I had a full hip replacement.  This was to correct a childhood issue (basically I knew it was coming – and blew the doctors estimates away.  Yes, I am an overachiever…).  Over the years, I have been playing with my balance.  For years I could not put a lot of weight on my left leg.  It just hurt too much.  I would avoid stairs.  I would grab furniture in my house.  Anything to avoid the pain… and it really hurt my bodies balance.

Since my surgery, I have been focusing on regaining balance.  Putting weight on my left leg for more than 5 seconds?  Bah, I can now do a few minutes.  Take that hip!  Run up stairs?  Ya, I can do that.  Running after my kids?  Ha, I am finally faster than them.  Neener neener!  It is all about balancing my weight and gaining strength.

Now, in my real life, I feel like it is a juggle of kids, family, home, dog, business…  Is there a thing called me time anymore?  Many of you are probably thinking “hahahahaha!  That ended with kids.”  This is true in a lot of ways, and I am happy to do it for my little guys.  But, at the same time, I have to carve out me time to balance myself out.  It makes me a better wife, mom and business person.

For example, as I write this blog post, I am sitting at a local Chai shop, watching some musicians play folk-ish music.  Kids are at school.  A little work is getting done and I get to enjoy the local music talents on a nice sunny day.  It is about balance – carving out time when you can.

It is a challenge for us all – but slowly we will figure out.  Funny thing is, once you think you figured it all out, someone throws you something new to juggle and balance.  It is just about steadying yourself enough to be able to handle it.

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